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817 Alamanda Drive North Palm Beach, Florida, 33408


(561) 630-7826
Get a hold on mold
Moldy Roof Cleaning

Mold affects human health as well as brings structural damage to your house. If you discover mold anywhere in your house, take immediate action to clean it. Carefully cleaning ca also prevents the mold form growing again. Whether you can handle the cleaning job yourself or require professional help depends on the amount and type of mold.

When to clean up the mold yourself?

New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Environmental and Occupational Disease Epidemiology says that small clean up jobs comprising 10 feet of infested area or less can be taken up by oneself easily. Before deciding to perform the job yourself, make sure that n one in your house is sensitive to mold.

Hire a qualified old removal professional

In case the infested area is larger than 10 feet, the job should be passed on to a professional mold removal company. The best way to find a trust worthy company is to ask for references from those who have already used the service. Be aware that mold remediation can be very expensive, more and more insurance companies are instituting coverage limits or charging extra for mold riders.

Roof Masters is a Chemical Roof and Pressure Cleaning business serving Palm Beach and Martin Counties. Roof Masters is the oldest Chem-Wash company in the Southeast. We are licensed and insured and have been in business since 1998. Call us at (561) 630-7826 for a free estimate.